Workforce Development, Inc.

Workforce Development, Inc. (WDI) is a private, nonprofit agency dedicated to developing and advancing the workforce of Southeast Minnesota through career pathways and more. With ten area offices throughout the region, WDI assists thousands of individuals each year with career planning, skills and job training, and many other FREE services. WDI works with every population in the region from youth to adult to dislocated workers and employers. Particular focus is dedicated to working with communities and individuals who face multiple barriers to meaningful and living-wage employment.

WDI provides many different services and connects individuals with other relevant services and resources in Southeast Minnesota. Each individual and industry is unique; that’s why WDI takes the time to understand and work with each person and their situation.

In fact, individual attention is the hallmark of WDI’s service. It’s also why WDI’s programs and career pathway opportunities have been so successful. WDI consistently posts a return on investment (ROI) of over 500%. For every $1 we invest in clients, we give $5 back to the community in taxes paid and welfare savings generated. Beyond the dollars and cents, we enact real change in the lives of our clients: steady work, new skills learned, and a pride in their employment.

Find and stop by the WDI location nearest you today. We’d love to work together to get you where you want to be.


Minnesota State College SouthEast